
Apr 27

0 CS5 Features That Will Turn You Into a Pro

Adobe recently announced the new CS5 and as always, the new update brings tons of features that not only make a lot of things possible but also make it a lot easier.

Adobe Creative Suite 5 Design Premium is selling for $1,899 and $599 for an upgrade. Educational pricing for students is $499 for CS5 Design Premium. The product will start shipping in mid-May, 2010.

Following is the list of 5 videos showing some of the best new features…

Painting: The following video shows how the “Paint” feature converts any regular image to a waterpaint like poster.
Puppet Warp: This feature is one of the most advanced features I have seen in photoshop but remember “advanced” does not always mean complex. This feature is pretty easy to use and does some amazing stuff. Check it out.
Content-Aware: This feature is like a dream come ture, especially for users like me who do not know much about working with Photoshop. This is a life saver when it comes to removing unwanted objects from the image. Simple and easy!
HDR: Super COOL feature for all the photographers out there. Just select multiple pictures as required in the process and with a few clicks you will have your HDR ready.
3D Objects: Turning text and other objects cannot get any easier. I’ve read a tons of tutorials that show you how to turn the text into 3D. This new feature does not require a 30 steps long tutorial to achieve the 3D look.
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About The Author

This blog was created by ELO DESIGNER to share his wealth of knowledge and researches with other designers and design lovers, to give them guidance and inspiration. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you. Follow my daily design links on Twitter or Add me on your social network.

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Apr 25

6 Incredible Surreal Photo Manipulation

I decided to feature a collection of 30 very conceptual and momentous Surreal Artworks for you. I'm sure you will be inspired and enthused by this attractive surreal art collection. Hope you all will enjoy this post. Feel free to share your feeling about this post with others.


Idee fixe


The weakness of silence


The cage

I wasn’t born to suffer

The dream

Six Experts

Too Much Heaven

Monkey Voodoo



The Remnant

A new life



Every God Damn Thing


Linking Meditation

Linking Meditation

Life is about..


Stop time III


Under The Last Moon


Ex luce mutatio

Moles and Trolls

Hardware Psychoanalizing

About The Author

This blog was created by ELO DESIGNER to share his wealth of knowledge and researches with other designers and design lovers, to give them guidance and inspiration. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you. Follow my daily design links on Twitter or Add me on your social network.

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Apr 20

2 How Improve your Freelance Creativity

We’re all creative, there’s no doubt about that. Nobody is born without creative tendencies and abilities; it’s just that some people are better at putting their ideas on paper and relaying them to other people. A lot of it is to do with confidence. If you’re confident that your ideas are great, other people will think so too!

15 ways

Freelancers in the creative industries frequently find that staying in a creative mindset, day in day out, can be a real challenge, especially if they’re tired or working on multiple projects simultaneously. For all these people, we’ve compiled 15 tips for improving creativity and staying creative for longer.

1. Carry a Notebook Everywhere

Without doubt, the best way to stay creative is to keep a notebook with you at all times. Don’t use it to write your shopping list in or anything else for that matter: carry it just for jotting down new ideas. You never know when a brainwave is going to strike, so you have to be ready. Just knowing that you’ve got an ideas notebook in your pocket will keep your subconscious creative mind ticking over.

2. Consume Culture

Reading, visiting art galleries, watching movies, going to the theatre and other cultural pursuits are great fun. Furthermore, they’re the key to improving creativity. Not only will you be inspired by how others have channelled their creative juices, you’ll be able to “borrow” certain themes and ideas for use in your own work.

3. Seek Out New Experiences

Constantly seek new experiences in your daily life to broaden your creative horizon. Try a new hobby every six months, travel to experience different cultures and ideas, and try new foods and drinks. If you enjoy classical music, try going to a nightclub which plays dance music. If you enjoy reading romantic novels, try reading some crime fiction for a change.

4. Break the Routine

Having a routine is great, but it’s important not to have one that’s so rigid and repetitive that you rarely get a chance to experience new things. Experiment with working, relaxing and socialising in different places, at different times.

5. Brainstorm

Write the title of a piece of work at the top of a page and let ideas start to spill. Don’t think about what you’re writing, just spend 15 minutes or so getting down everything that pops into your head, asking yourself all the important who, what, where, when, why and how questions. Afterwards, review what you’ve written, picking out the best ideas.

6. Mind Map

A mind map is a diagram used to represent words, ideas and the relationships between them in a visual way. It can be particularly valuable to create a mind map from all of the ideas you’ve come up with in your brainstorming session, although some people prefer to start with the mind map itself.

7. Contrast Conflicting Ideas

If you’re struggling to come up with any new ideas, why not start with two or three old ones. Write out each old idea onto paper, place them side by side and compare. Take the best elements of each and incorporate them into something completely new.

8. Discuss Ideas

No freelancer is an island. If you want to stay at your creative peak, you need to regularly run your ideas past other people. If you can’t come up with anything at all, why not try brainstorming in a group, bouncing ideas off each other.

9. Talk to Everyone

Discuss ideas with fellow professionals by all means (being careful not to disclose your trade secrets, of course), but don’t be scared to ask totally random people too. If you’re finding it hard to come up with someone new, try speaking to someone far removed from your social circle. Running ideas past children, for instance, can be great for getting a completely novel take on a project.

10. Find Your Creative Peak

Some people are most creative first thing in the morning, for others it’s directly after lunch, and for others still it’s just before bed. You need to identify when you’re at your most and least creative and use this to your advantage. Get non-creative tasks out the way during your creative downtime so that you can come up with new ideas during your creative peak.

11. Take Regular Breaks and Exercise

If you want to maintain a high level of inventiveness over a long period of time, you need to take regular breaks so that you don’t burn out. Exercise is the best thing that you can do during these breaks. It’s a great way to relax and clear your mind, ready for creativity and productivity. Healthy eating and plenty of sleep are also vital.

12. Use the Right Stationery

There’s no use sitting in front of an empty Word document, waiting for ideas to come. You need to ease their passage by using the right stationery. Choose plain paper over lined, as it lets your ideas flow, and make sure you’ve got lots of coloured pens and pencils at hand.

13. Find Your Creative Space

Search to find the place where you’re most creative. This might be a library, a park, a museum or simply on a public bench at the end of your road. If you work best in an office, make sure it’s really peaceful, with good lighting and a comfortable chair.

14. Be Confident

Don’t be scared to run with ideas which might seem stupid at first. The world’s most creative people have had to stick to their guns, ignoring naysayers to make their dreams a reality. If you’re confident and assertive, people will think twice about your ideas before disregarding them off hand.

15. Stimulate Your Brain

Like every other part of your body, your brain needs regular exercise to stay at its sharpest and most focused. Doing crosswords, sudoku puzzles and even playing Brain Training type computer games during periods of downtime can be conducive to creativity throughout working hours.
About The Author

This blog was created by ELO DESIGNER to share his wealth of knowledge and researches with other designers and design lovers, to give them guidance and inspiration. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you. Follow my daily design links on Twitter or Add me on your social network.

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Apr 19

1 Great Vintage Textures free!

I have been constantly creating designs that require textures. And since I've been getting more and more interested in retro and vintage styles these days, I selected a great number of sites where you can download and use these great textures right way. They are all free but remember to read the usage restrictions. So, download and enjoy.

8 Old Books Textures by Flowersong

This old book texture pack contains eight huge hi-res textures, each about 3000px on its longer side, on transparent backgrounds.

5 Vintage Sheet Music Pack by Neonescence

A set of five dirty sheet music textures that produces interesting results.

253 Various Vintage Textures and Objects by Playingwithbrushes

Dig in to Playingwithbrushes awesome collection of 253 various images of vintage textures and objects.

63 Free Vintage Textures for Layers by Pink Sherbet Photography

Pink Sherbet shares a total of 63 free textures. A mixture of various kinds of textures mostly vintage letters, grunge walls, photos and papers.

8 Vintage Textures from Jodys Photography

This set contains eight varities of high quality vintage textures like old paints, grungy walls, wine label, etc.

72 Colorful Vintage Grunge Textures by Krakograft

These beautiful and colorful vintage textures are contained in 10 packs and presented in a stylish flash menu where you can preview textures from each pack.

33 Ecrit Vintage Textures and Backgrounds by Boccacino

Included in this set are elegant vintage writings on walls, postcards, papers, etc.

12 HQ Vintage Textures and Backgrounds from Dezignus

Find in this set 12 HQ Vintage textures, covered with flower’s style patterns. Good as a web-site’s or print’s grunge backgrounds. Different design elements, colors, textures and patterns.

5 High-resolution Vintage Wallpaper Textures from Texture Vault

These beautifuly grungy old wallpaper textures were made with layers of fabric, paper, grunge effects to produce such gorgeous results.

5 High-resolution Victorian Grunge Textures from Freaky665

Here are five must have high-resolution victorian grunge style wallpaper type textures that you’ll definitely want to use.

12 Free High-resolution Old Book Texture Pack from BittBox

This set contains 12 textures measuring 3000px from BittBox. These are dissected and scanned pages from a 50-year old book.

33 Vintage Textures and Backgrounds from Dying Beauty Stock

Dying Beauty Stock Photography has a total of 38 textures and backgrounds available in gallery but 5 of which are not vintage but still worth having as spare images for future use.
About The Author

This blog was created by ELO DESIGNER to share his wealth of knowledge and researches with other designers and design lovers, to give them guidance and inspiration. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you. Follow my daily design links on Twitter or Add me on your social network.

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