
Nov 30

8 Awesomely Created Coffee Packaging Designs

I put together some very nice and interesting coffee packaging design. Let me know if you have any other suggestions or links you share in our comments section. Enjoy!

Bull Run Roasting Company

Bull Run Roasting Company Coffee Packaging

Bull Run Roasting Company Coffee Packaging

I’m loving the hand stamped quality of this packaging designed by Jeff Holmberg. This approach makes every package unique, and gives it a hand done feel. It also has a slightly industrial bend which I’m diggin as well!

Images via The Dieline

Stumptown Coffee

Stumptown Coffee Packaging

Stumptown Coffee Packaging

Love this cost friendly concept for Stumptown Coffee by Fritz Mesenbrink that includes slits for color coded cards that contained information about the coffee blend, grower information and location. Clever idea!

Images via The Dieline

Artemis Coffee

Artemis Coffee Packaging

Love the Art Deco style of this lovely simple coffee packaging by Watts Design. Something about the shapes of this design remind me of A.M. Cassandre’s Pi Volo and Dubonnet wine postsers.

Milano Coffee

Milano Coffee Packaging

I’m enjoying the hand written feel of the Milano ’signature’ on the package. The color coding of the different roasts contrasts nicely with the silver color of the bag. Designed by Demo Graphic.

Calistoga Bakery Cafe

Calistoga Bakery Cafe

Designed by Vrontikis for Calistoga Bakery Cafe.

I’m definately falling in love with this packaging for a few reasons. 1 The bold colors. I like my coffee to be dark and bold, and this color scheme just brings that back for me. 2 Simple illustrations! Love the beans…they also lead your eye around the packaging and to the information on the other panels. 3 The type is visable but blends in nicely with the illustrations.

Grind Coffee

Grind coffee by Talia Cohen

Grind coffee by Talia Cohen

Grind Coffee, a spectacular senior thesis by Talia Cohen of Rhode Island School of Design.

This packaging stands out to be because of its type heavy design and the scale. The coffee is arranged on a scale from 1-6 based on the boldness and darkness of the roast. Very nice student work!

Intelligentsia Coffee

Intelligentsia Coffee designed by Planet Propaganda

Designed by Planet Propaganda.

This packaging has a slightly retro feel. Also i’m in love with their logo. How could you not love a flying cup of coffee in the morning (or this could be a sign that you NEED more coffee in the morning lol)

Gorilla Coffee

Gorilla Coffee designed by One Trick Pony

Designed by One Trick Pony.

I love the fact that one trick pony managed to combine an illustration of NYC and a gorilla! Look closely and you can see it. I’m also quite partial to the black and red color scheme due to a somewhat unhealthy obsession with constructivism from my college days.

Taxi Cafe

Taxi cafe packaging by taxi

Packaging by taxi cafe

Designed by TAXI.

Very simplistic but effective packaging. Read the copy :) I love it when design is allowed to show a sense of humor!

Ugly Mug Coffee

I posted about ugly mug coffee a while ago when I found it in the grocery store, but its worth pointing out again. I love the fact that they feature pictures of sleepy people and big bold type.

Ugly Mug Coffee is designed by Young and Laramore.

Starbucks Pikes Place Roast

Now i know from my Starbucks vs Dunkin Donuts post that this is a touchy brand for some. But you still have to admire the simplicity and retro-ness of the cup they came out with to show off their pike place roast.

Illy Coffee

Illy coffee’s little red and silver can will always have a special place in my heart. I used to drink illy espresso at home when I was studying abroad in Italy. The design of these cans are so simple, but so effective and iconic – whats not to love (except the fact that they are suppppper expensive here in the states)

MMMMM Packaging Series

Check out the rest of in this series of posts on packaging:

MMMMM Packaging Part 2: Energy Drinks
Energy Drink Packaging

MMMMM Packaging Part 3: Breakfast Cereal
Breakfast Cereal Packaging

About The Author

This blog was created by ELO DESIGNER to share his wealth of knowledge and researches with other designers and design lovers, to give them guidance and inspiration. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you. Follow my daily design links on Twitter or Add me on your social network.

If you enjoyed this post, please retweet or stumble to say thanks!


Nov 26

2 20 Questions To Ask Clients Prior To Designing A Logo

Before starting any project it’s essential to get the right preliminary information from your clients. This will help pave the way to a successful project, assist in bringing client’s vision into perspective and build a lasting relationship. Many of the questions below will also help in putting together an accurate quote for your client. Things such as deadlines, usage, etc. should take into account pricing.

Since my primary focus in is logo design, below are 20 questions to ask your clients prior to beginning their new logo design. Also, many of these questions can be applied to other forms of design, so feel free to integrate them into your questions for various forms of print and web design.

Company-related questions

1- How would you describe your services and/or products?

2- What are the long term goals of your company?

3- Why do you want a new logo? (if they already have one) What do you want your new logo to accomplish?
This question helps to understand the problem.

4- Who are your main competitors?
Having clients provide links allows you to get a better feel for their market and competition.

5- How are you different from your competitors?

6- What’s the age range of your target customer base?
Helps in creating an overall feeling and impression of the logo.

Project-related questions

7- Do you have a tag line? If so, would you like it stated along side your logo?

8- Do you have any specific imagery in mind for your logo?

9- Do you have any color preferences, or existing brand colors?

10- Do you have any colors that you do not wish to use?

11- What adjectives should best describe your logo?

12- What feeling or message do you want your logo to convey to those who view it?

13- How do you prefer your logo to be worded or written out?
Example: thedesigncubicle or the design cubicle

14- How would you like the typography to appear?
Example: script, bold, light, hand drawn, custom lettering

15- Where will you logo be used?
Example: print, web…

16- Where will your logo primarily be used?
If the primary usage is for the web, typically horizontal logos work best.

17- What’s your preferred deadline, time frame or exact date of completion?

18- Budget?
This is where I provide various pricing and concept numbers.

19- Would you like any addition design services to be packaged with your new logo?
Example: business cards, envelops, letterheads, etc.

20- What logos appeal to you and why?
Another question they can also with links and visual examples.

I also like to leave my clients with a field or extra room at the end where they can provide additional details and comments. Remember, being a graphic designer means you are a problem solver. You cannot solve a problem without knowing what the problem is – asking questions is a great start. What questions do you ask your clients prior to starting a project? Feel free to add to the above questions in the comments below.

About The Author

This blog was created by ELO DESIGNER to share his wealth of knowledge and researches with other designers and design lovers, to give them guidance and inspiration. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you. Follow my daily design links on Twitter or Add me on your social network.

If you enjoyed this post, please retweet or stumble to say thanks!
Nov 26

1 20 Questions To Ask Clients Prior To Designing A Logo

Before starting any project it’s essential to get the right preliminary information from your clients. This will help pave the way to a successful project, assist in bringing client’s vision into perspective and build a lasting relationship. Many of the questions below will also help in putting together an accurate quote for your client. Things such as deadlines, usage, etc. should take into account pricing.

Since my primary focus in is logo design, below are 20 questions to ask your clients prior to beginning their new logo design. Also, many of these questions can be applied to other forms of design, so feel free to integrate them into your questions for various forms of print and web design.

Company-related questions

1- How would you describe your services and/or products?

2- What are the long term goals of your company?

3- Why do you want a new logo? (if they already have one) What do you want your new logo to accomplish?
This question helps to understand the problem.

4- Who are your main competitors?
Having clients provide links allows you to get a better feel for their market and competition.

5- How are you different from your competitors?

6- What’s the age range of your target customer base?
Helps in creating an overall feeling and impression of the logo.

Project-related questions

7- Do you have a tag line? If so, would you like it stated along side your logo?

8- Do you have any specific imagery in mind for your logo?

9- Do you have any color preferences, or existing brand colors?

10- Do you have any colors that you do not wish to use?

11- What adjectives should best describe your logo?

12- What feeling or message do you want your logo to convey to those who view it?

13- How do you prefer your logo to be worded or written out?
Example: thedesigncubicle or the design cubicle

14- How would you like the typography to appear?
Example: script, bold, light, hand drawn, custom lettering

15- Where will you logo be used?
Example: print, web…

16- Where will your logo primarily be used?
If the primary usage is for the web, typically horizontal logos work best.

17- What’s your preferred deadline, time frame or exact date of completion?

18- Budget?
This is where I provide various pricing and concept numbers.

19- Would you like any addition design services to be packaged with your new logo?
Example: business cards, envelops, letterheads, etc.

20- What logos appeal to you and why?
Another question they can also with links and visual examples.

I also like to leave my clients with a field or extra room at the end where they can provide additional details and comments. Remember, being a graphic designer means you are a problem solver. You cannot solve a problem without knowing what the problem is – asking questions is a great start. What questions do you ask your clients prior to starting a project? Feel free to add to the above questions in the comments below.

About The Author

This blog was created by ELO DESIGNER to share his wealth of knowledge and researches with other designers and design lovers, to give them guidance and inspiration. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you. Follow my daily design links on Twitter or Add me on your social network.

If you enjoyed this post, please retweet or stumble to say thanks!


Nov 07

2 20 Great Free Fonts For Logo Designs

It's very difficult to put together a nice collection of fonts for logo designs, I wanted to focus on a few that generally work well for use with logos and headings alike. Easy to read fonts that carry a nice strong appearance with just a hint of class- Enjoy


great lakes font


bauer font


gaps font


gnuolane font


bebas font


soolidium font


mentone font


Old Sans Black

old sans black font


kimberly font


molot font


harabara font


franchise font

Hit the Road

hit the road font


suede font

Savings Bond

savings bond font



headthinker font


lobster font

League Gothic

About The Author

This blog was created by ELO DESIGNER to share his wealth of knowledge and researches with other designers and design lovers, to give them guidance and inspiration. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you. Follow my daily design links on Twitter or Add me on your social network.

If you enjoyed this post, please retweet or stumble to say thanks!


Nov 04

5 Awesome Photoshop Websites You Must Visit

These websites below are the first place that you should go when you are setting out on a path of beefing up your proverbial toolbox of Photoshop resources. From the new updates that are still coming, to all of their past archives these sites provide a constant stream of tools. - Enjoy

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Free4Photoshop is another great place to head for all those resource hunters out there looking to score a wide variety of Photoshop freebies. This virtual vault of tools includes shapes, textures, brushes, gradients, patterns, and so much more. If you are serious about Photoshop then you need to check this site out to get your toolbox started.

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Photoshop Essentials is another website that you should definitely be checking out if you are looking for in-depth, fully explained Photoshop tutorials which are written by Adobe Certified Experts. From beginners to seasoned vets, their tutorials are put together with any and everyone in mind. Photoshop made easy.

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Psdtuts+, speaking of approachable tutorials for taking your Photoshop game to the next level, this site is another go-to resource for many in the design world. So if you are looking for more ways to tackle your design projects by employing techniques that you need explained a bit better before you proceed, then you might want to just head over to the pasture of tuts.

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Photoshop Ninja is another popular site to check into for Photoshop downloads, tutorials and more that is geared towards the more experienced users. As you build your arsenal and level up your experience points towards a more PS ninja-like status, or if you are already on ninja par expertise-wise, then you should stop on by and check out all they have to offer.

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Photoshop Lady might be another site that you want to keep bookmarked and handy for all your Photoshop wants and needs. They scour the archives of the web and gather the finest Photoshop tutorials for you and bring them all to one easy to find location. With most of the guesswork taken out of the equation, the site is definitely worth a look.

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Photoshop Tutorials is a site whose name slightly undersells the place. When you are constructing your virtual Photoshop toolkit keep this helpful site in mind because they not only cover tutorials, but they also focus on inspiration and a variety of useful downloads for a range of users and expertise levels.

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Photoshop Roadmap is one more bookmarkable Photoshop super center for users of all levels and needs. They have a selection of downloads from brushes to text and photo effects, and they even have a section dedicated to Photoshop related books and more. And to complete the Roadmap’s journey they even have PS tutorials as well.

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Photoshop Toolbox Reference is a Photoshop users best friend! This site is a comprehensive cheat-sheet on all things Photoshop. The perfect addition to your PS toolbox, PTR has you covered from keyboard shortcuts to specific tool tutorials at the click of a tool name. Add a touch of convenience to your Photoshop workings, just follow the link.
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Photoshop Gurus Community Forum is another invaluable resource for you to keep close as you strive for a more Photoshop savvy status. This is a very large and active forum of Photoshop users which is always a wonderful tool to have at your disposal. Take time to become a part of the forums and when you need help, you can always get a little help from your friends.

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My Photoshop Brushes is another website whose name is deceptively underselling of the range and bevvy of Photoshop resources users can expect to find there. Beyond just a variety of Photoshop brushes, they also have a large collection of patterns, shapes, styles, and gradients to boot. Not to mention they even have some tutorials on hand.

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PS Galaxy is the final multi-purpose site that we are going to feature, and if ever the saying last but not least applied, it applies here. The Galaxy is a dynamic resource hub that packs a titanic collection of tools for Photoshop users from PSD files to actions, and from shapes to gradients. With web buttons and templates also in their ranks, the galaxy certainly is vast.

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Now we start to refine our focus a bit, and move into a more narrow area of tool gathering. Brushes. They are one of the more popular Photoshop resource downloads that are made and shared around the online design community, and they are also the next stop in our toolbox building journey. Below are some brush specific sites and some individual brush packs.

Brusheezy is a site that any Photoshop brush enthusiast should keep readily on hand. Not only is it a hub for thousands of available PS brushes from around the world wide web, but the site is also a great place to go to share your thoughts and opinions on the design communities collected brushes.

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PSBrushes is another site whose focus falls specifically in the Photoshop brush arena, and should certainly be added to the designers list of go-to places on their resource hunts. With hundreds of free downloadable brush packs to offer, the site will definitely keep you busy for a while as you build up your toolbox.

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Brush King is also a fantastic site to turn to when you are looking for sources for high quality Photoshop brushes. Brush King is near a necessity as far as bookmark additions go, as all of their downloads are free for use in all of your website and graphic design related projects. So the next time you need a brush, browse through their fine selection.

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QBrushes is one more for the bookmarks indeed. This is a Photoshop brush focused hub that pulls in all of the free quality PS brushes that are released into the cyberspace aether. They pull in brushes from all around so that you do not have to do the proverbial footwork yourself. This site is regularly updated so be sure that you check back often.

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BlendFu is another Photoshop brush carrier that has a bit of a twist from the others that we have featured thus far. BlendFu is actually a membership based resource site, wherein the members can log and track all of their favorite brush packs that they have found within the websites deep database.

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iDesign Brushes is a daily updated Photoshop brush specific site, that is a submission based brush resource hub. They take in brushes that the community has sent in and pour over them, combing through with a fine tooth comb to find the best and the brightest brushes among the bunch to present to their readers each day.

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1000+ Free High Resolution Photoshop Brush Sets is a useful collection from Smashing’s sister site with hundreds to thousands of incredible Adobe Photoshop brush sets from all around the web. If you are on a quick path for brushes without having the time to browse through the masses that the online design community has to offer, then let Noupe do the hard sorting for you. Just stop in on this post and load up your arsenal.
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Over 550 Photoshop Brush Packs Free for Commercial Use is just what the title says it is. A post that has ammassed a huge collection of Photoshop brushes that are all free for both commercial and personal design projects. Another bonus is that the post is also kept up to date and current, updated about once a month.

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25 Original And FREE Abstract Smoke Brushes from 1st Web Designer is a great collection of free high quality Photoshop brushes. The is a pack of fairly unique resources, all smokey in nature, including sharp edges and smooth gradients to complete the vapor-esque appearance of the set.

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8 Free Fantastic Fractal Photoshop Brushes is another unique set of from the far reaches of the web over at Design Shard, that we wanted to feature for you here rather than making you go in search of them yourself. These high quality fractal based brushes are useful for achieving very abstract and astral like effects for the design projects that you include them in.
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Hi-Res Splatter Photoshop Brush Set is another set that we have set aside to feature specifically so that you have them ready and loaded into your arsenal without having to look very far. This pack of 17 high resolution paint splatter based Photoshop brushes is a clean and crisp set that are ideal for both web and print centered projects.

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High Res Mixed Brushes Pack for Photoshop is a set of grunge styled brush resources that include a variety of strokes, ranging in thickness and weight to cover all of your bases and needs. If you are looking for a quick way to add a bit of a distressed appearance to your designs, no matter their scale, then these awesomely detailed brushes should certainly get the job done.

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Spray Paint Pack (Hi-Res Textures & Brushes) is the final brush pack that we are singling out in this toolbox building trek. Crafted using actual spray paint and textured paper, these Photoshop brushes are a wonderful way of adding bits of texture to your work. Which is actually said to have been the designer’s main intention when putting them together.

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As we continue with our focus refined, we come to the next section in our search for Photoshop tools to add to your arsenal of skills, the PDFs. Not to be confused with the upcoming PSDs. This section includes several useful downloads that will provide hours worth of study time.

Adobe Photoshop CS – Tips and Tricks from the Experts is an interesting instruction manual of sorts that you can download and check out from wePapers. This PDf is a helpful look for beginners, and those looking for a refresher, at a variety of techniques that you can employ thorugh Photoshop on any of your creations and designs.

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25 ESSENTIAL Photoshop Moves is an extremely useful learning tool, in a full color downloadable PDF, for users at both a professional and at a beginner level. With a varied collection of information ranging from tools to tutorials, from trechniques to helpful tips for getting the most out of your PS works, this lesson book focuses on 25 tasks that are essential for growing your Photoshop skillsets.

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Worth 1000 Photoshop Tricks is a downloadable PDF of massive proportions that consists of links to one thousand useful Photoshop tutorials. Taking most of the time consuming web search out of the equation for you, this comprehensive shortcut places a huge amount of tuts right at the click of a mouse for you.

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Photoshop Quick Reference Card is another handy download to keep in your design arsenal. This comprehensive PDF is a virtual Photoshop two page cheat sheet that can prove a useful tool as you dive into this in-depth and fully loaded program. It never hurts to have a sheet that you can quickly reference at a glance, and with this little cheat, now you can.
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Photoshop Tips, Tricks, and Basics is another very useful, must-have download especially if you are just beginning to work in Photoshop. This PDF is somewhat of an introduction into the very basics of this creative tool to assist you in laying down a solid foundation of knowledge on which to build and grow. The tips and tricks may also offer somewhat of a shortcut or new approach for some of the more experienced Photoshoppers.

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Now we come to the PSD section of this tool gathering post, and below are a handful of places on the web where you should definitely steer if you are wanting to get your hands on some .psd files that contain all of the original layers, masks, etc. then scroll down and get going.

Free PSD is a website that any serious psd explorer should have readily available. This site gathers together a massive collection of usable web based PSD templates that are ready for you to dive right into and get started.

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Official PSDs is a bit of a different sort of a stop along our PSD collecting path. This site is actually a community focused endeavor that is kept alive and thriving by the users who make the site a invaluable place to come and share their favorite resources. PSDs of all varities await you, so it is definitely worth a look.

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JackRebel PSD Files is a section of the JackRebel site that strictly covers Photoshop downloads. This is essentially a variety of PSDs all brought together to assist the design community with a lot of their shopped needs. Especially for those looking to design with a focus on electronics, this collection of files is the direction you should head.

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50+ High Quality .PSD Files and Tutorials is another helpful Photoshop post from over at Smashing’s sister site. Want to get started on your next PS project, but do not really know where to start, or worse, don’t have the desire to start from scratch, then let this post of more than 50 high quality Photoshop .PSD files be your starting point from which to find design gold.

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500+ Free Download High Quality Photoshop PSD Files For Designers is another fantastic post where most of the work has already been done for you. The hunting and gathering has mostly been done for you, now all you have to do is make your way over to this expansive PSD resource collection and you can get a quick overview of what is considered to be some of the best free PS downloads available.

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Download Free PSD Design Template from Lava360 is a free downloadable design template that is simple and easy to use to get started. Don’t want to have to scour through the numerous entries from some of the other featured sites to find a PSD to get your design project underway, then check out this free offering to see if it will fit the bill.

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DVD and Business Card PSD File is another place to turn if you are looking to get started on a business card design or a DVD label, but you do not feel like taking the time to sort through the massive collections, then metamags.com may just have the PSD file that you have been waiting for.

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11+ Stunning Objects PSD Templates is a fabulous little collection of PSD files that will assist you with your web design layouts and so forth. Since so many of us design strictly for the web, we wanted to offer another more web geared set of PSD resources, and this post from The Design Work is it. If the web is where your design eye tends to fall, then you might just want to give these elements your attention.

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Music Player UI is a bit of a different PSD file as to most of the others that we have featured, where as it is specifically focused on the user interface of a music player. The UI file is another that was separated out from the rest given its unique flavor, and should help you add a bit of bite your interface.

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Everything Else

In this final section of the post, we come to somewhat of a grab bag of downloads that range from gradients to patterns and shapes, and from actions to plugins and filters. As you are finishing off your toolbox, be sure you do not overlook these final additions that could really make a difference in your Photoshop designs.

600+ Photoshop Gradients to Download is a wonderful place to turn whenever you are looking for that perfect gradient to complete your design. Not only does the post have a huge bevvy of downloadable gradient goodies for you, but it also includes a useful tutorial which gives you an in-depth look at the gradient tool in Photoshop and how to get the most out of it with an easy to follow by step breakdown.

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Designerpie Freebies has a collection of thousands Photoshop design downloads for the whole community that anyone looking to expand their proverbial PS toolkit should certainly make note of. With an array of patterns, gradients, swatches and styles this freebie collection is sure to put a smile on the face of any resource hunting Shopper.

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Free Photoshop Patterns is a website which focuses completely on one aspect of PS. The patterns. So you can bet that they are going to have an enormous selection to choose from, and that they certainly do. With thousands of patterns to choose from, you are nearly quaranteed that they can satisfy any of your PS pattern needs.

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124+ Free Photoshop Actions to Boost Your Designs is a post of amassed actions that we felt you should most definitely have on your radar. What better way to take so many of the steps out of some of the repetitive processes that come with the design territory than by having an arsenal of actions ready and waiting to take the edge off and even shave some time off of the tasks for you as well.

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400+ Time Saving Photoshop Actions is another time saving collection that we could not exclude from this ultimate resource post. When it comes to Photoshop actions, the more that you have at your disposal, the more repetitive tasks you can avoid in your work which makes for a happier designer. So for more downloadable time turners, stop by and see what all this post has to offer.

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Richard Rosenman Filters and Plugins is a page that continues to grow and expand, featuring personally coded PS plugins and filters that range in their use for 3D productions, 2D design, and even reseach purposes. Unfortunately, due to a compiler limitation, the filters are not Mac compatible. They only work in Windows.

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That About Does It!

That wraps up the toolkit building on this end of things. Now the rest is up to you. With so many resources and hubs to check out, you should have your hands full for the time being. Feel free to hit us up in the comments and let us know what you think of the collection. Whether we left something crucial out, or whether we turned you on to a new source for PS elements, we want to hear what you have to say below.

Consider Some of Our Previous Articles

About The Author

This blog was created by ELO DESIGNER to share his wealth of knowledge and researches with other designers and design lovers, to give them guidance and inspiration. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you. Follow my daily design links on Twitter or Add me on your social network.

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