
Dec 29

35 Best New Business Card Ideas For Your Inspiration

I have decided to post some more cool business card designs. Some of these business card designs have really cool cutout shapes including dieline cuts, cool combinations of papers, embossing, cool use of materials, impressions, metals, and inks. I hope that you enjoy.
You might also enjoy our past Cool Business Card Design Finds:

Cool Business Card Design - A business card that look like the famous toy eye glasses

The perfect business card for a toy company.

Cool Business Card Design - a camera shaped business card for a photographer

A business card shaped like a camera. This might be the coolest business card I have ever seen.

Cool Business Card Design - a business card located inside a coffee stained coffee bag

This business card is located in a coffee stained burlap sack. This is a very innovative idea for a coffee company’s business card.

Cool Business Card Design - celia's food's business card with bites all over the card

This food company’s business card has a bite taken out of the side.

Cool Business Card Design - A business card that is on broken pottery for a Greek restaurant

A Greek restaurant has their business cards on broken pieces of clay pottery.

Cool Business Card Design - A business card that is of a piano for a piano repairman

A piano repairman’s business card folds up into a piano.

Cool Business Card Design - A business card for a post marriage counselor - tape together

A marriage counselor’s business card looks torn and taped back together representing what she want to repair your marriage.

Cool Business Card Design - business card with classy playing card queen

It looks like a drawn playing card - a very nice visual.

Cool Business Card Design - A business card for makeup artist hair

This hair and make-up artist’s business card has faux hair.

Cool Business Card Design - A business card on cardboard

A business card on a piece of cardboard.

Cool Business Card Design - business card with square picture in the middle

A minimalist technique sometimes works well too.

Cool Business Card Design - A business card portfolio fold out card layout

A business card that folds out into a mini-portfolio.

Cool Business Card Design - A business card envelope fold over layout

A business card that looks like a folder.

Cool Business Card Design - a ticket and perforation striped card layout

This business card looks a bit like a car parking ticket with the use of perforation (but on an angle)

Cool Business Card Design - business card illustration

An illustrator’s business card.

Cool Business Card Design - a cool business card folder layout

Business card with use of perforation and natural colors.

Cool Business Card Design - business cards on CD

A business card on a cd.

Cool Business Card Design - business cards with ribbon and diecut layout

A business card with use of a bow and an unusual shaped card.

Cool Business Card Design - business cards for orthodontist with thread

A dentist’s business card with use of floss.

Cool Business Card Design - business card with combination of papers and materials

I like the use of a combination of different types of paper and inks.

Cool Business Card Design - business cards for 40 sardines combination of materials

Really classy business card with combinations of paper and printing techniques.

Cool Business Card Design - business cards with cool combination of materials

The same with this card.

Cool Business Card Design - business cards with cool combination of materials

Look at thread sewn into the business card for this clothing company.

Cool Business Card Design - business cards for forensic cards and plastic bag

A really cool business card inside a plastic bag for a forensic research company.

Cool Business Card Design - business cards with perforations for acupuncturist

This Acupuncturist’s business card uses pin holes for the business name.

Cool Business Card Design - business cards with finger holes for manicurist

This manuicurist’s business card has cut outs for fingers.

Cool Business Card Design - business cards layout and design

I like the usage of 2 different types of paper and embossed letters.

Cool Business Card Design - business cards with impression

This business card looks like an impression from writing on a notepad.

Cool Business Card Design - cool business card without any ink just embossing or impression

This is an inkless business card.

Cool Business Card Design - business cards with a Hello I am sticker look

An innovate usage of the “Hello My Name is” stickers

Cool Business Card Design - fabric artist's business card with fabric and twine around the card

This fiber artist shows off her talents with the creation of her business card.

Cool Business Card Design - a business card with a raindrop shape look

This business card uses an innovative shape.

Cool Business Card Design - strange shaped business card layout and design

It might not be the most beautiful card but it stands out because it is different.

Cool Business Card Design - a business card with a movie ticket look and shape

A great business card for a show because it is on a ticket.

Cool Business Card Design - a business card with cool shapes and color usage

A nice use of color and shape.

Cool Business Card Design - a transparent looking business card with cool layout and design

I like the use of sketching / drafting for this creative thinking company.

Cool Business Card Design - business card with illustrations layout

I love the illustration and color usage on these business cards.

Cool Business Card Design - a transparent looking business card with cool shape layout and design

About The Author

This blog was created by ELO DESIGNER to share his wealth of knowledge and researches with other designers and design lovers, to give them guidance and inspiration. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you. Follow my daily design links on Twitter or Add me on your social network.

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Dec 27

2 Best Tips To Make Sure Your Logo Is Flexible

I receive many questions from both clients and other designers asking me “What makes a good logo?” Instead of focusing on what makes a logo look good (because we all know we can argue that point for days based on personal taste), I thought it would be best to focus on what makes a logo work well – a better question to ask yourself while designing a logo is “How flexible is the logo?”

About The Author

This blog was created by ELO DESIGNER to share his wealth of knowledge and researches with other designers and design lovers, to give them guidance and inspiration. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you. Follow my daily design links on Twitter or Add me on your social network.

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Dec 20

4 Useful Ways To Improve your Designs by Using Proportions

Proportion is usually unnoticed until something is out of proportion. When the relative size of two elements being compared seems wrong or out of balance it is said to be “out of proportion”. For example if a person has a head larger than his entire body, then we would say that it is out of proportion. Most of the time, we can only value proportion when we see designs or things which look distorted and are therefore not pleasing to the eyes. The human body is the most universal standard of measurement. Things in nature are also used as basis in proportioning. Designs and other stuff that doesn’t arrive with these standards may look ugly in the eyes of many. In architecture and interior design, we consider proportions in creating spaces between rooms and furniture. We do not use a big chandelier in a small dining room. We also do not use a very huge door for a mere bathroom. This is done this way to make the designs look friendlier and more comfortable.

Hence, every designer will try to make his works proportionate in order to satisfy himself, his clients and those who look at his designs. In this article, we will give you a few tips on how to make your designs look better by using proportions.

1.Use the Golden Ratio.

When we speak of proportions, the Golden Ratio is usually used. The Golden Ratio is also sometimes called the golden section, golden mean, golden number, divine proportion, divine section and golden proportion. The golden ratio (symbol is the Greek letter “phi”)is a special number approximately equal to 1.61803398874989484820… (and so on). It appears many times in geometry, art, architecture and other areas.
It is called “golden” because it is said that whenever the phi value is used, the outcome is the most aesthetically pleasing design. The golden ration was used in the Parthenon, Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, the Great Pyramids of Giza and many other artistic works.
For designers, you may want to use the golden ration in your works. Take a look at Wes Pack ‘s tutorial on Using the new Divine Proportion tool in CorelDraw.
Below is what we call the phi bar. It is shown how the golden ratio is used by dividing the entire length of a and b with the width a which is equal to phi or 1.618 which is also equal if we divide the shorter length b with the width a. Of course, the width and the longer length is of the same distance. Remember, we are speaking of proportion here.

golden ratio

Below are more examples where in the golden ratio is being used. We can see the human hand bones, the pyramid, the golden rectangle and other art works based on this proportion tool. For you to have a more in depth information, you can find sources at the end of this article wherein you can gain more explanation about the divine proportion.

golden ratio

2.Use the body and face tutorial.

It is said that the basis for proportion is the human’s body and those found in nature. Some artists are having a hard time to think if their work is really proportioned or not. Take a look at the picture below and use it as a guide in making proportioned bodies and faces.


3.Consider the relationship of one element to the size of another element.

In making designs, sizes vary. The sizes of the elements we use make our work proportional. Consider the advertising poster below as an example which made use of this principle. The huge leaf was being carried by ants. Of course, ants are smaller and the leaf is bigger. Other than the size of the elememts, we can also observe that what makes the design proportional is the number of ants carrying the leaf. If only one ant carried the huge leaf, then it is not proportional.


4.Consider the height, width and depth of one element to another element.

Aside from sizes, we also look into an element’s height, width and depth. The poster below shows a tall big jar. Inside it are of course tall type characters which gave emphasis that they were inside the jar while the type in smaller size seems like merely printed on the surface of the jar.There are actually many ways in applying this principle especially when you deal with tall or long objects. There is a tendency for long elements to look smaller on the farther part and bigger on the nearer area.

height,width and depth

5. Similar elements together.

It is always a principle that similar elements should be placed together. Hence, in considering proportions, elements similar in character and elements which have a common feature should be put together. The design below shows a woamn wearing a pink blouse with square pattern prints. Blue squares in different tones overlay the blouse. On the other side, a flower whose petals are given emphasis thorugh thin lines is shown.Thus, thin lines were also used to overlay it. As we can see, squares were combined with squares and thin lines with thin lines.

similar things together

6.Make areas in your design.Areas are essential parts of a design.

Make use of areas that are not monotonous. Use major and minor areas to make a better output. The figure below shows the difference of using a bad and good proportion when we speak of areas.
View Source

7.Give a dynamic eye direction in using areas.

Spaces should be arranged in a manner not composing or halves, quarters, thirds, etc. Make your designs more dynamic by giving direction to the eyes but still creating a relationship between the areas. A page layout shown below is done in a manner that it won’t look boring to the readers. Instead of perfectly dividing the page into halves of thirds, the layout artist made irregular sizes of the areas and even inclined the entire layout. This is a smart and creative way of layouting.

eye direction

8.Consider the relationship of size of one area to the size of another area.

In using areas, as mentioned in number 5, we need to make use of major and minor spaces. In this manner, we will be able to consider the differences of the sizes of areas. We have to be careful not to make too much difference in areas for this will make them unrelated. Big difference in areas may also ruin the harmony of a design. In the web design below, you can see that the designer used various area sizes. This is an effective way of separating some of the parts like the smaller colored rectangles on the top which signifies the menu while the parts that go together were placed in one area. But despite that, we could still see the whole design is together and in harmony with each other.

size of areas

9.Use harmony.

Harmony is an agreement between the shapes that stresses the similarities of all parts. We have to make sure that shapes fit in its proper positions and spaces adjoining other elements in the design. The business card shown below used shapes whose harmony was maintained because of its usage of lines and curves. Though they come in different colors, they still fit together.


10.Used to determine distance.

The use of proportion is also important in determining if the elements are near or far from each other. It shows a sense of isolation. This way, we are considering the amount of spaces between two or more elements. The advertising poster below shows a mountain which is far from the man. This is obvious because the man is larger than the mountain and the letters on top of the mountain are also smaller. This is how we deal with elements if we want it to appear near or far. Nearer objects are bigger while farther ones are smaller.


Sometimes, it might not be easy to use proportion especially if we try to stick with the rules. But we don’t really have to compute everything so that it will be equal to phi. By merely looking at our works, we could easily determine if it is proportioned or not by comparing them to the things in nature or the human body. When you work on a project, keep in mind that proportioned outputs look more pleasing. Though, some people choose to use distortions which is another form of art.For now, before you try distorting, try working with proportions first. More people can actually appreciate proportions for it is what their eyes are used to look at.
Artists and designers out there will surely agree that proportion-as a principle in design- is truly very much important to come up with a totally great project!
About The Author

This blog was created by ELO DESIGNER to share his wealth of knowledge and researches with other designers and design lovers, to give them guidance and inspiration. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you. Follow my daily design links on Twitter or Add me on your social network.

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Dec 09

13 25 Amazing Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

Peter Callesen thrives on creating art from paper, rather on it. Using paper only as a source, he creates beautiful sculptural works. Each work is made by cutting out one sheet of paper, and using the removed scraps to create figures, buildings, and other objects. His work ranges from 2D to 3D. These sheets range from small a4 size or as big as 7m by 5m. The materialization of a flat piece of paper becomes a magical process for him. Callesen’s interest grows while the possibilities as practically endless.

For more information about Peter and his other works, check out:

Saving Himself

15 saving himself 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen


15 ghost 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

In the Kingdom of the Dead

15 in the kingdom of the dead 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

The Curtain

15 the curtain 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

On the other Side

15 on the other side 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

Broken Palace

15 broken palace 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

The Short Distance between Image and Reality

15 the short distance between image and reality 21 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen


15 paperman 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

Crying My Eyes Out

15 crying my eyes out1 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

Not As Fast As His Shadow II

15 not as fast as his shadow ii 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

Bound To Be Free

15 bound to be free 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

Broken Flowers

15 broken flowers 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen


15 mirage ii1 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen


15 cowboy 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

Red Running Poppies II

15 red running poppies ii1 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

The Core of Everything

15 the core of everything 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

Fire Escape Unable to Escape Fire

15 fire escape unable to escape fire 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

Holding on to Myself

15 holding on to myself 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen


15 fall 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

The Lost Sheep

15 the lost sheep 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

Unter dem Nebelmeer

15 unter dem nebelmeer 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

Water Always Finds its Way

15 water always finds its way 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen


15 angel 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

Apple Blossom

15 apple blossom 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

Broken Bird

15 broken bird 11 25 Striking Framed Papercuts by Peter Callesen

About The Author

This blog was created by ELO DESIGNER to share his wealth of knowledge and researches with other designers and design lovers, to give them guidance and inspiration. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you. Follow my daily design links on Twitter or Add me on your social network.

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