
Dec 17

5 23 best creative repurposed items

REPURPOSING is so hot right now. At least if you’re on Pinterest or Tumblr, that is. If the most hardcore “upcyclers” are to be believed, there’s no such thing as trash anymore. These folks turn old yoga mats, washing machines, and even dumpsters into cool items with a new and clever use.
1. Luggage to medicine cabinet

Vintage suitcases; too cool to throw out, but not built to handle today’s batshit-TSA airports. This is my favorite suitcase repurpose project. Add a mirror, hang it over the sink, done. (Source: limitsizenerji)
2. Card catalogue to mini bar

“You have a card catalogue in your den?” “Yes, I own so many books, I’m forced to use the Dewey Decimal system. Just kidding, I’m a wino.” (Source: The Sugar Monster )
3. Wine barrels to drum set

As a percussionist, I can’t help but wonder what kind of sound those shells would get. Is there any resonance? Eh, whatever. It looks cool. (Source: Econesting )
4. Climbing rope to chandelier

Created by Son of Nils, these lamps are “made of used climbing ropes that have been in action in various places all over the world.” Source: (Son of Nils)
5. Tennis racket to mirror

There are tons of things out there that can be repurposed into a mirror, by simply…gluing a mirror on it. But I think the tennis racket is my fav because it looks like a giant’s handmirror. (Source: The Berry)
6. Skateboard to sconce lamp

This one, created by MFEO, is a vintage board with brass hardware. Modern skateboards would work too…although they might not look as classy in your study. (Source: MFEO)
7. Dumpster to swimming pool

Insert ‘dumpster diving’ pun here. This New York City mobile pool project is the endeavor of Macro Sea, a company that specializes in projects that combine art and urban renewal. (Source: Macro Sea)
8. Washing machine to fire pit

I vastly prefer s’mores to clean clothes, anyway. Play it safe and surround the pit with bricks or stones if you’re grilling on the grass. (Source: Memoirs on a Rainy Day)
9. Newspaper to yarn

All I can think is “what would happen if I knitted a newspaper yarn sweater and got caught in the rain?” But according to Green Upgrader, this stuff is only slightly less durable than real yarn. Maybe I should just start with a scarf. (Source: Green Upgrader)
10. Globe to lamp and bowl

Here’s what I would do with this: hang the globe lamp directly above the kitchen table, then fill the globe bowl with colored marbles and center it on the table right below the globe. It looks cool in my head. Maybe I should buy a kitchen table so I can do this. (Sources: Happiness Is and Indulgy)
11. Suitcase to chair

These luggage seats will go around my globe table. I’ll have map napkins, airplane trays, and…maybe I’ve gone too far. (Source: Fuck Yeah Upcycle)
12. Suitcase to boom box

These BoomCases are handmade by the three employees of Mr. Simo and are fully customizable. And also, wicked cool. (Source: Mr. Simo)
13. Vintage plane parts to furniture

That Austin Powers-esque bed brought to you by Motoart, a company that specializes in creating corporate and home furniture from old plane parts. (Source: Motoart)
14. Vespa to rolling chair

So rad. Even better, the Barcelona-based company responsible for these also makes car seat sofas with headlights. (Source: Bel&Bel)
15. Light bulb to greenhouse

Now imagine a few dozen of these strung around your patio. Or hanging from a skylight. They’re just beautiful, and apparently pretty easy to make. (Source: Imgur)
16. Bucket to rocket stove

According to the folks at Root Simple, the best fuel source for this homeade five-gallon stove is twigs, and is great for boiling and frying. (Source: Root Simple)
17. Credit cards to guitar picks

While you could try cutting your own picks, it’d be a lot easier with the Pickmaster Plectrum Punch. Definitely a cool way for a guitarist to put old bank cards, gift cards, and carton lids to good use. (Source: Firebox)
18. Floppy disk to notebook

Love this one. They look pretty hip, and the cover is nice and sturdy. Too bad I haven’t had a floppy in my possession in about a decade. (Source: Environment Team)
19. Yoga mat to laptop sleeve

Brit actually offers 20 cool ways to repurpose yoga mats, but this laptop sleeve is my favorite. The flip flops and wine bottle stopper are pretty cool too, though. (Source: Brit)
20. Cassette tapes to lighting fixtures

This one’s pretty classy, but if I could find my old shoeboxes of cassettes, things would be a bit more colorful. Fluorescent, actually. (Source: Make Magazine)
21. Light bulb to oil lamp

According to Recycled Light Company, this thing burns for over five hours. Which is more than I can say for the last bulb I bought for my bedroom. (Source: Recycled Light Company)
22. Piano to water fountain

Apparently, an employee of Piano Works in Atlanta took this irreparable piano home and turned it into a planter that pumps out 2,000 gallons of water an hour. Oh, and it’s freaking beautiful, too. (Source: Piano World)
23. Thrift store painting to badass monster art

I don’t know if this counts as repurposing, and I don’t care. This is too cool not to include. Artists Chris McMahon and Thryza Segal pick up landscape paintings from thrift stores and add their own beasties. Prints are available
About The Author

This blog was created by ELO DESIGNER to share his wealth of knowledge and researches with other designers and design lovers, to give them guidance and inspiration. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you. Follow my daily design links on Twitter or Add me on your social network.

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