
Feb 08

22 60 Examples of Innovative Lighting Design

The first electric lamp ever invented was in 1809 by Humpry Davy, then 70 years later, Thomas Edison invented a carbon filament that burned for forty hours. Edison placed his filament in an classic-shaped oxygenless bulb. We just wanted to get that straight because many people think that Tomas Edison created the electric lamp. Without getting into an argument we can all agree on the fact that we are thankful for this invention. I mean, just imagine life without it………kinda scary.

lamp21 60 Examples of Innovative Lighting Design
igen1 60 Examples of Innovative Lighting Design
security1 60 Examples of Innovative Lighting Design
led1 60 Examples of Innovative Lighting Design
reheat pendant lamp han koning 21 60 Examples of Innovative Lighting Design
kandil lamp lee leong chye 21 60 Examples of Innovative Lighting Design
contrast lamp marc graells 21 60 Examples of Innovative Lighting Design
circle hook light taylor levy 21 60 Examples of Innovative Lighting Design
snowdust thumb 525xauto 187781 60 Examples of Innovative Lighting Design
photosynthesis lamp meirav barzilay thumb 525xauto 186641 60 Examples of Innovative Lighting Design
bang1 60 Examples of Innovative Lighting Design
light minimal1 60 Examples of Innovative Lighting Design
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ricardo garza marcos lightboy lightgirl 41 60 Examples of Innovative Lighting Design
algae lamp christian vivanco thumb 525xauto 204261 60 Examples of Innovative Lighting Design
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coil square1 60 Examples of Innovative Lighting Designnastrino01dailyicon1 60 Examples of Innovative Lighting Design
moonjelly lamps limpalux 3b thumb 468x595 218421 60 Examples of Innovative Lighting Design
About The Author

This blog was created by ELO DESIGNER to share his wealth of knowledge and researches with other designers and design lovers, to give them guidance and inspiration. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you. Follow my daily design links on Twitter or Add me on your social network.

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