
Feb 19

3 Great Logo ideas for inspiration.

I was told when in school that when you have to create a logo the least thing you should do is to look at some other logos for inspiration. Also that we, as designers should look at: organic shapes, textures, or even architecture for inspiration. The theory is that doing so you might end up creating similar designs.I agree that it may be true. But away from the technical part, I always like to take a peek on what other great designers are doing to inspire me to get better and better. Here are some great examples of that.

About The Author

This blog was created by ELO DESIGNER to share his wealth of knowledge and researches with other designers and design lovers, to give them guidance and inspiration. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you. Follow my daily design links on Twitter or Add me on your social network.

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Logo Design said...

Here are some great logos you have posted ! And as you have rightly said about acquiring creative inspiration from works of other great designers, I absolutely agree with you. See, actually we already have that creativity within us and by getting inspired from other works we always tend to do or create a better one. It's just like the fire which is already there in a log of wood that burns after being ignited !

Think Smart Designs said...

Yes Logo Design I agree with you but looking at some other sources of inspiration never hurts , right?

Unknown said...

You have such a great collection of eye-catching logos. All the collection is awesome, but the logo of motion is outstanding.

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