
Aug 31

5 Amazing Tips On How to Become a Design Genius Video

Every seven years, the graphic designer Stefan Sagmeister takes a one-year sabbatical. As he argues, that's not so crazy.

Stefan Sagmeister is one of the most talented graphic designers working today, so he knows a little bit about keeping his creativity flowing. His trick? Taking really, really long vacations. In fact, every seven years, he takes an entire year off.

As Sagmeister describes it in his recent TED talk (which just made it to the Web), we spend our first 25 years learning, the next 40 years working, and the last 15 retired. "I thought it might be helpful to cut off five of those retirement years and intersperse them in between those working years," Sagmeister says. And what's more: "That's clearly enjoyable for myself but probably even more important is that the work that comes out of those years flows back into the company and the society at larger rather than benefiting just a grandchild or two."

You have to admit it's a pretty great way of looking at things. And incidentally, it's one that neoclassical economists such as Milton Friedman would endorse--those types are always rattling on "consumption smoothing"--the idea that consumers will spread their income or goods (such as leisure) over time, so that overall consumption is even. Sagmeister channeling Friedman? Who knew?!

Sagmeister notes that the first sabbatical wasn't terribly useful because it wasn't structured enough. But when he segmented his day into activities--from "storytelling" to "future thinking"--things started to pop. In fact, Sagmeister argues that all seven years of work after his time off sprung from ideas that were formed during the previous sabbatical. His proof is his own charming portfolio--including one example of a brilliantly flexible logo system he designed. Check the video for more.

About The Author

This blog was created by ELO DESIGNER to share his wealth of knowledge and researches with other designers and design lovers, to give them guidance and inspiration. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you. Follow my daily design links on Twitter or Add me on your social network.

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custom logo design said...

Very useful post regarding how to be creative, yes i think rest is compulsory for those who are involve in mind work not physically, i mean when you are working hard by mind then you should take rest but i think after seven years, one year is not enough because it think it should be after one year because seven years are too much a designer should take rest for 2 month after one year work and should visit natural places to get ideas, inspiration and to be creative.

Think Smart Designs said...

Thanks Custom logo. I agree with you on that but that is not always a reality in the real world right?

seo liverpool said...

Very amazing and worthy post you have shared.It's just an amazing illustration on how to become a design genius but I think one who is very creative only he can prosper well in the design field.However, you have shared a very good piece of information.

Kelvin said...

Great post. You have put a nice video on how to become a genius
graphic designer. I agree with custom logo that for every
Profession it is necessary to take rest after every 2 months not after 7 year.

Custom Logo Design said...

Great article …Thanks for your great information, the contents are quiet interesting. I will be waiting for your next post.

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