
Jan 16

0 25 Innovative & Fancy Wine Package Designs

This is a collection of 25 fancy and innovative wine package designs. In this cheerful time of year, I think that all of you are looking for the perfect gift! Nevertheless, while a wine bottle is not what everybody dreams of, it might still be a great present as it can be a powerful way of transmitting a message.  I invite you to see for yourself! Therefore, enjoy, be inspired and share with your friends or community if you will like this article!

From Nadie Parshina with love

Curious Nature

Manifesto Design

Vi Novell 2010

AGDA Poster Entry

Dominique Falla

Burlesque Rosé (click for full view)

Marianna Greco
Dolce Vita Wines

Revelry Wines

The Measure

The Measure
Pink Pigeon

Bootleg Wine

Vi Novell

Padre Divino

Yevgeny Razumov

Eno Wines

LP/w Design

Bloody Good Wine

Mike Weir Underdog Wine Co.

Insite Design

Finca de la Rica


Donna Maria

The Supernatural

Femme Fatale

Volute: Aluminum Bottled Wine

French Rabbit Wine

Five Rows Craft Wine

Insite Design
About The Author

This blog was created by ELO DESIGNER to share his wealth of knowledge and researches with other designers and design lovers, to give them guidance and inspiration. Comments and suggestions are always appreciated. Thank you. Follow my daily design links on Twitter or Add me on your social network.

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